About Northgate Physical Therapy, P.C.

We are physical therapists that deliver fast and reliable customer service. We are experienced and ready for pain management. We never compromise on quality, and our services are always executed with precision and care. Our distinction is the quality of service we bring to our customers. Accurate knowledge, combined with ability, is what makes us a true professional. Above all, we are watchful of our customer's interests and make their concerns the basis of our clinic.

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Phone: (719) 247-8916
Fax: (719) 247-8930
[email protected]

Northgate Physical Therapy, P.C.

Dry Needling

Dry needling can relieve pain or improve range of motion. Research suggests that dry needling improves pain control and reduces muscle tension. Study findings also show that dry needling can normalize dysfunctions of the motor end plates, from which nerve impulses get transmitted to muscles. This can help speed up the patient's return to active rehab.

Dry needling is not a billable charge or service covered by commercial insurance companies. If you would like to receive this service, an additional $40.00 will be charged and paid at time of service. If you are receiving physical therapy services at a cash pay rate, no additional fee will be incurred.